My 7mo had a reaction today, I’m pretty sure to pb though she was eating other stuff too (banana, Cheerios). I think it was her second peanut exposure and greater amount than before (surely she has also gotten some tiny exposures from my other pb-loving kids).
The reaction was red rash/hives with tiny bumps all over her face pretty much. The eye she had rubbed got swollen. It developed fairly quickly but was mostly gone about an hour later.
I called the pedi and the nurse just told me to avoid feeding it until her 9m appt. My niece has had a more severe peanut reaction so I’m a little nervous about it, but not sure if testing is really the norm at this age or not. I know every reaction can be different, that is what worries me.
LO does have some skin issues and we’re a family who spends a lot of time at the allergist, although other kids don’t have food allergies (I had milk as a child but outgrew it). So it wouldn’t be a huge surprise.
If your LO had a reaction, how bad was it and what/when were your next steps? Thanks!