clementine / 950 posts
@skiierchck99: I should be 6w2d? So I’m not sure I have never had such an early ultrasound...
kiwi / 518 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I think at 6 weeks it can go either way - just be prepared that they may not find hb but it doesn’t mean anything is wrong! Hoping they see one to put you at ease. By now though I think they should see the sack so could tell if it was ectopic. And - be prepared for the ever-fun transvaginal ultrasound
clementine / 950 posts
@paranundrum: @bhbee: @yellowbeach: @skiierchck99: ahh thanks! 2 hours! Eternity lol
clementine / 950 posts
Sooo I’m not sure what to think but I think I’m not feeling very hopeful. It’s not ectopic thankfully, but measuring behind at 5w6d no heartbeat visible but I guess could be too early. He says he is “concerned” 🤔 and I will repeat in a week. Ahhh another 7 days of torture
clementine / 811 posts
@fuzzypeaches: oh my, what a ride...
At least an ectopic is ruled out! We'll all count the days with you!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@fuzzypeaches: When I got my ultrasound training in residency we were taught that at 6w, 50% of the time you can see a heartbeat, 50% not. Assuming there was fetal pole or yolk sac seen?
clementine / 950 posts
@yellowbeach: he said he saw an embryo? I guess I’m worried also bc don’t really have any symptoms either (I am normally really nauseous in pregnancy but I’m also on prednisone which helps with nausea) ugh. I guess the uncertainty continues!
clementine / 950 posts
@paranundrum: thanks girl! I would honestly not make it without this board!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Can you post a picture of your us if you have one?
clementine / 950 posts
@yellowbeach: they didn’t give me one, probably bc not the best news. I wish I had taken one with my phone. The more I think about it I kind of feel like they had good equipment and probably could have seen a hb if there was one
nectarine / 2431 posts
@fuzzypeaches: So, my daughter measured 6 days behind at 6 weeks and I was SO sure that I was going to lose her. Nope! She's a gigantic 14 month old! Measuring 3 days behind is definitely ok!
nectarine / 2648 posts
@fuzzypeaches: Also, the variability in measuring with the caliper tool is so high when you are talking millimeters that it’s common to be way off. OBs won’t usually adjust your due date based on measurements unless you are over 1 week ahead or behind.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I am so sorry there’s more waiting!! I totally get the worrying but agree with everyone that just seeing anything in the right place is good. When I saw my RE at 6w with my son the dr told me if she saw a sac she would be happy ... not to expect a hb. Crossing everything this baby is in the group of healthy late bloomers
pea / 7 posts
@fuzzypeaches: my son measured a full week behind at 6 weeks (what I thought should’ve been 7). I also had negative tests until the day after my missed period. I now have a healthy 3 month old.
clementine / 950 posts
@crazydoglady: I hope that’s the case for me! @yellowbeach: do you think it’s ok they didn’t see a heartbeat?? @bhbee: yes that’s what is keeping me going that maybe my betas were off bc it’s a slow grower? I don’t know lol.
@Doodle: I hope that’s the case with me too! I did have an early positive and am fairly sure Of ovulation but I guess you never know!
Thanks ladies. I decided to go ahead with another intralipid infusion in case it’s viable. As it’s my last shot I figured might as well throw everything at it and what’s a few extra hundred dollars at this point I’m going back again next Thursday afternoon, fingers crossed it’s more definitive!
pomegranate / 3393 posts
Just a little update from me - initial labs (FSH and estradiol) came back normal, and my sonogram Friday showed an egg getting ready on the left side! I'm so giddy just to hear that I'm not premenopausal, that I still have a shot. Still more tests to go through, but I'm just relieved that initial things seem ok for now. Now to see if I can ovulate a couple of days earlier than I have been, and/or have a longer luteal phase than I have been.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@paranundrum: thank you! Just got a + Opk so looks like a CD 14 ovulation and a POAS date of Dec 3! Fingers crossed.
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@fuzzypeaches: no unfortunately, that's not until December 10, my OB wanted to do it right at the end of my period. I misunderstood and thought it would be the same procedure as the sonogram, which was last Friday.
clementine / 950 posts
@MoonMoon: ahh I see! I was just going to tell you to make sure you get it in after the hsg!! But fingers crossed you won’t even need to do it!
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@fuzzypeaches: I know what you mean. I want to be realistic, but a part of me is like what if I don't even need to do it?
coffee bean / 45 posts
Joining in! I got what I thiiiink was probably an evap line this morning - I tested when I got up to go the bathroom around 4am, waited the 2(ish?) minutes, didn’t think I saw anything, and went back to bed. When I got back up at 6 I looked at it again and there is definitely a line. But I’m assuming evap since I didn’t see it right away?? (It’s the CVS early result test, if that matters.)
Anyway - should I test again at lunch, or wait til tomorrow morning? I am 9ish dpo - maybe as late as 12 dpo. Clearly I am on the ball this cycle haha.
cherry / 105 posts
Hi Ladies. 9dpo today and feeling very defeated. I know it's still early but seeing this BFN this am made me sad. It also doesn't help that I'm feeling kind of bummed in general.
My DD was conceived in a month with a nice BFP at 9dpo.
This time around I use OPKs and Pre-seed and even tried acupuncture. I know some people take a lot longer than me ( I'm on month 4) but I also feel like a crazy person doing the same thing over and over again. Anyways. Here is my today's rant. Sending love to everyone.
nectarine / 2431 posts
@Shybee23: I don't trust anything outside of the "window," but give it a day! It could very well be the real deal!
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@LiliBillie: you're not crazy! The disappointment is very very real. Especially with people like us who had a relatively easy time conceiving once, the reality that things aren't always as straightforward can be a lot to take in! Sending virtual hugs. You still have some days to test, nothing is certain until AF starts
clementine / 811 posts
@Shybee23: Welcome! I'd say wait as long as you possibly can. It might take a few days to get a positive test if you're only 9-10dpo. Squinters/evaps just mess with your head... Good luck!
@LiliBillie: I'm sorry you're feeling down. Let's hope it was just too early. Keep us posted!
clementine / 950 posts
@Shybee23: welcome! I’d probably test again later today 🤣 but I am crazy like that! Hoping it’s the real deal!
@LiliBillie: still time girl! I know that feeling - but I have also been negative at 9dpo AM and positive in the afternoon! So definitely still hope this cycle hoping this is the one for you and if not you get an amazing Christmas present!
cherry / 105 posts
@MoonMoon: @paranundrum: @fuzzypeaches: Special thanks for making me smile! 10 dpo today and BFN. How do you all keep it new and fresh every month? I'll keep you all updated in the next few days.
clementine / 950 posts
@crazydoglady: I’m dying guys it’s at 245 pacific time. I am a complete and utter basket case 🤣 I cried all weekend because I was sure it was over and then I felt nauseous again starting Sunday and felt hopeful and now I’m back to devastated. I am just hoping it gives me some resolution either way and isn’t another indeterminate scan.
pear / 1955 posts
@LiliBillie: I'm in the same boat! 11DPO and I tested yesterday at 10 and it was a BFN. I know I'm not officially out until I'm out, but man, that was disheartening. I'm waiting until Sunday to test again (or for my period to start, bc I just don't feel like I can emotionally deal with days of negative tests this month.) I was super hopeful since we hit O-2, O-1, and O, but I don't have any symptoms so I think it might be a bust.
@fuzzypeaches: Crossing my fingers and toes for you this afternoon!!!
cherry / 105 posts
@raspberries: SAME.
This month we did the SMEP method. We had an amazing run and I hit a Positive OPK super early at CD11, we managed to do -2,-1 and 0 and 0+2 and today is 10 DPO with a BFN. I also used Pre-seed and did one round of Acupuncture.
My DD was conceived the first month we tried and she was a VFL at 9dpo ( although I wasn't tracking, it was according to an app.) And I always thought it would be "easy". I feel like I'm out for some reason. I'm ready for AF and trying to find something else to do this month. Sigh
Also the irony, when we had my daughter we were NOT ready. We thought it would take a while. And now, my husband is SO ready and it's taking time. Blah.
How many months TTC are you?
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@fuzzypeaches: less than 3 hours! Sending you my most positive thoughts, waiting is so hard.
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