Hellobee Boards


POAS 2019 - September to December Edition

  1. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    😁 🀞 2019 POAS - Sept-to-Dec Edition 🀞 😁
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    πŸŒžβ›±πŸΉ August 2019 Roll-Over POAS πŸΉβ›±πŸŒž
    - Aug -
    β€’ 22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea - - April/May Mama
    β€’ 26 Aug - Paranundrum
    β€’ 30 Aug - Maybebaby - - May Mama

    πŸ“šπŸ«πŸ September 2019 POAS πŸπŸ«πŸ“š
    - Sept -
    β€’ 1 Sept - FuzzyPeaches
    β€’ 4 Sept - Raspberries
    β€’ 7 Sept - Kaohinani
    β€’ 7 Sept - LiliBillie
    β€’ 9 Sept - SweetCaroline
    β€’ 10 Sept - Chypmunk
    β€’ 12 Sept - ScarletBegonia
    β€’ 14 Sept - MoonMoon
    β€’ 18 Sept - FarAwayMama
    β€’ 22 Sept - BreakOutTheIceCream
    β€’ 25 Sept - MissLace
    No POAS -
    TBD - Paranundrum, Mrs. Panda
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing - Skiierchck99 on the 25th

    πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­ October 2019 POAS πŸ­πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ‘»πŸ‚
    - Oct -
    β€’ 4 Oct - Yellowbeach
    β€’ 4 Oct - Marfi
    β€’ 10 Oct - raspberries
    β€’ 16 Oct - Mrs. Panda
    β€’ 16 Oct - Becky
    No POAS -
    TBD - Marfi
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸπŸ‚πŸ—πŸˆ November 2019 POAS πŸˆπŸ—πŸ‚πŸ
    - Nov -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    β˜ƒοΈβ„πŸŒ² December 2019 POAS πŸŒ²β˜ƒοΈβ„
    - Dec -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ“£ Amazing POAS Cheerleaders:
    - Lazb
    - Sam's Mom
    - CrazyDogLady
    - PachaMama
    - BHBee
    - MrsJBEEG

  2. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @skiierchck99: exciting! I’m hoping my transfer will be this month too, but af hasn’t started, so I’m thinking it will be the very beginning of October instead

  3. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @SweetCaroline: Any more HPTs? I've been looking forward to seeing another.
    When may I add you to the roster as a BFP? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  4. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    @Kaohinani: You may add me, thank you!! I'm waiting for a blazing . I didn't test this AM, planning on tomorrow!

  5. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @SweetCaroline: So very exciting! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’• I can't wait to see it. I shall add your BFP immediately.

  6. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    😁 🀞 2019 POAS - Sept-to-Dec Edition 🀞 😁
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    πŸŒžβ›±πŸΉ August 2019 Roll-Over POAS πŸΉβ›±πŸŒž
    - Aug -
    β€’ 22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea - - April/May Mama
    β€’ 26 Aug - Paranundrum
    β€’ 30 Aug - Maybebaby - - May Mama

    πŸ“šπŸ«πŸ September 2019 POAS πŸπŸ«πŸ“š
    - Sept -
    β€’ 1 Sept - FuzzyPeaches
    β€’ 4 Sept - Raspberries
    β€’ 7 Sept - Kaohinani
    β€’ 7 Sept - LiliBillie
    β€’ 9 Sept - SweetCaroline - - May Mama
    β€’ 10 Sept - Chypmunk
    β€’ 12 Sept - ScarletBegonia
    β€’ 14 Sept - MoonMoon
    β€’ 18 Sept - FarAwayMama
    β€’ 22 Sept - BreakOutTheIceCream
    β€’ 25 Sept - MissLace
    No POAS -
    TBD - Paranundrum, Mrs. Panda
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing - Skiierchck99 on the 25th

    πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­ October 2019 POAS πŸ­πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ‘»πŸ‚
    - Oct -
    β€’ 4 Oct - Marfi
    β€’ 8 Oct - Yellowbeach
    β€’ 10 Oct - Raspberries
    β€’ 16 Oct - Mrs. Panda
    β€’ 16 Oct - Becky
    No POAS -
    TBD - Marfi
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸπŸ‚πŸ—πŸˆ November 2019 POAS πŸˆπŸ—πŸ‚πŸ
    - Nov -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    β˜ƒοΈβ„πŸŒ² December 2019 POAS πŸŒ²β˜ƒοΈβ„
    - Dec -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ“£ Amazing POAS Cheerleaders:
    - Lazb
    - Sam's Mom
    - CrazyDogLady
    - PachaMama
    - BHBee
    - MrsJBEEG

  7. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    2nd U/S update for month 43 -

    β€’ This cycle is "low and slow" with Follistim at 25-IU per day so we can slow down my follicular response and, hopefully, ovulate after CD 10.

    β€’ Today's U/S (at CD 6) showed:
    β–‘ A 9-mm trilaminar lining
    β–‘ One 10-mm follie on the RT ovary
    β–‘ View of LT ovary was obstructed by intestines so we are not sure if follicular growth is present.

    β€’ E2 @ 168 (which is consistent for 1-2 follies). It is a better number than my usual E2 numbers of 250-400 at CD6 or 7.
    β€’ As long as my E2 stays fairly low and I have 3 follies or less at the time of trigger, my IUI is a "go."

    β€’ 25-IU injections tonight and tomorrow
    β€’ Return for 3rd U/S on Wednesday (CD 8)

    --- I am remaining hopeful [as always] since it only takes ONE healthy ovum to make for a successful cycle. ---

  8. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Kaohinani: Baby steps to get to baby steps... progress is progress.

    Can you bump my POAS date to Oct 8 please? Transfer is shaping up to be Oct 1 (ish).

  9. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @yellowbeach: Thank you! I love that - "Baby steps to get to BABY steps!" Very poignant. I really believe that with how much time and effort has gone into TTC for #3, when I become pregnant, it will be just that much sweeter to me and special to my family.

    Oh, and of course, I would be more that happy to update the roster above with your new POAS date. πŸ˜πŸ’œ

  10. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: that’s about when my transfer will be!

  11. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @LAZB: Hey, hun, what are the updates for your transfer? I didn't know it was coming up so soon [for some reason], I thought you and DH were still waiting it out. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ #ImSoLost.πŸ˜• #Apologies πŸ™

  12. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Kaohinani: I think you maybe forgot with all you have going on! I updated a week or so ago that we are going to do it next cycle. Not sure of the exact date yet, because I haven’t started AF yet, but it should most likely be the beginning of October

  13. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @LAZB: I do think I may have missed all of that. 😢 I'm sorry. πŸ˜• I hope AF comes soon for you so your IVF/FET takes place sooner rather than later. I am hoping this [future] cycle lends forth to your beautiful rainbow 🌈. I also hope to be on the same Mama's board as you (and Yellowbeach, and Paranundrum, and FuzzyPeaches, and the list goes on. πŸ˜‰πŸ’œ). Fingers TIGHTLY crossed 🀞 for you.

  14. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Kaohinani: thanks! I actually hope I have a few extra days just because a transfer October 5 would be much easier than the 2nd, but I can’t really decide so I’m just going with it!

  15. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: oh so exciting! Having a transfer buddy )even if week if and not same day) is always more fun!

  16. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    Oh my, I have been so busy. I have been able to read along during lunch breaks, but haven't had the time to post. Time has just flown by! I'm still learning, but at least right now I'm enjoying this job a lot more than my last one. (I still don't like getting out of the bed in the mornings, but almost everything else is better.)

    I don't know if everyone remembers my crappy update from when I was on vacation in the end of July, but I'm glad to say everything from that list is looking up.
    The apartment flood situation has resolved, we had to pay quite a bit out of pocket to the insurance company to fix that one room that got hit the most downstairs, but it could have been sooo much worse. Luckily we had a bit of a reserve for just such occasions and we didn't have to take a loan to fix up a flat that isn't even ours. Now we just have to work the reserve up again.
    The car situation is close to a solution too, I'll update in a few days.
    As a result of almost being free of the problems above, my SO is also a lot less stressed and things are going great right now. I love the ups between the downs of life!

    Now to TTC. I think I ovulated, but don't know when. I normally have several days of ewcm, but this cycle I only had one day of that. We we're able to make the most of it, but it's a big difference from my other cycles. I think OV was either Saturday or Sunday, so let's say my POAS date will be 22.09. With my luck I'll get AF right in the beginning of my four day choir trip...

    @Kaohinani: Wow, so much has been going on with you too! It's great that you have a solid plan for this cycle, even if it is "low and slow". It must feel great to be doing something that could give the outcome we've all been waiting for!
    I'm glad that you got that replacement fridge at last, but what's going on with T now? You said that you home-school her, but is it just for some subjects or is she completely home-schooled now? I'm sure you are a wonderful teacher and will do a splendid job home-schooling her, but did I understand correctly, that she can't go to school anymore because of a bully?

    @SweetCaroline: Congratulations! Such great news!

  17. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @Kaohinani: good to hear your updates! I know waiting must be hard right now, but it's nice to have a solid plan to look forward to.

    Could I request that my poas date be changed to 9/20? Thanks to this board I updated my ovulation date.

    @paranundrum: so glad to hear things are getting back on track! Seems we're having similar problems, came back from vacation to a flooded house and my car has been in the shop for 2 weeks... Ugh! Slowly putting the pieces back together though, so all is ok.

  18. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: @MoonMoon: I am working at the moment so I can't write too much; however, I will update the roster STAT for you ladies.

  19. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    😁 🀞 2019 POAS - Sept-to-Dec Edition 🀞 😁
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    πŸŒžβ›±πŸΉ August 2019 Roll-Over POAS πŸΉβ›±πŸŒž
    - Aug -
    β€’ 22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea - - April/May Mama
    β€’ 26 Aug - Paranundrum
    β€’ 30 Aug - Maybebaby - - May Mama

    πŸ“šπŸ«πŸ September 2019 POAS πŸπŸ«πŸ“š
    - Sept -
    β€’ 1 Sept - FuzzyPeaches
    β€’ 4 Sept - Raspberries
    β€’ 7 Sept - Kaohinani
    β€’ 7 Sept - LiliBillie
    β€’ 9 Sept - SweetCaroline - - May Mama
    β€’ 10 Sept - Chypmunk
    β€’ 12 Sept - ScarletBegonia
    β€’ 18 Sept - FarAwayMama
    β€’ 20 Sept - MoonMoon
    β€’ 22 Sept - BreakOutTheIceCream
    β€’ 22 Sept - Paranundrum
    β€’ 25 Sept - MissLace
    No POAS -
    TBD - Mrs. Panda
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing - Skiierchck99 on the 25th

    πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­ October 2019 POAS πŸ­πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ‘»πŸ‚
    - Oct -
    β€’ 4 Oct - Marfi
    β€’ 8 Oct - Yellowbeach
    β€’ 10 Oct - Raspberries
    β€’ 16 Oct - Mrs. Panda
    β€’ 16 Oct - Becky
    No POAS -
    TBD - Marfi
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸπŸ‚πŸ—πŸˆ November 2019 POAS πŸˆπŸ—πŸ‚πŸ
    - Nov -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    β˜ƒοΈβ„πŸŒ² December 2019 POAS πŸŒ²β˜ƒοΈβ„
    - Dec -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ“£ Amazing POAS Cheerleaders:
    - Lazb
    - Sam's Mom
    - CrazyDogLady
    - PachaMama
    - BHBee
    - MrsJBEEG

  20. breakouttheicecream

    olive / 66 posts

    @SweetCaroline: Just catching up on your news. Hope you had a good line today. Congratulations!

  21. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    hi All! So I had AF last month but since it was my first month post BC, I'm happy everything worked on time and the timing the Flo app predicted. Since AF just finished, i'm BACK! This time hubby knows the fertile window so I don't have to sneak attack him. Please put me down for POAS on October 7th! That's the day I found out I was pregnant with my now 5 year old daughter. Love for it to be the same date!! Fingers crossed and Babydust to all.

  22. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @MoonMoon: I'm sorry you have similar problems, but it's good to hear things are working out. I hope we can put all of it behind us within this week, but we'll see. Good luck to you too!

    @LiliBillie: I'm sorry about AF, but it's good to hear your cycle is right on track and things are a bit more predictable this time around. I'll update the board. Fingers crossed!

  23. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    😁 🀞 2019 POAS - Sept-to-Dec Edition 🀞 😁
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    πŸŒžβ›±πŸΉ August 2019 Roll-Over POAS πŸΉβ›±πŸŒž
    - Aug -
    β€’ 22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea - - April/May Mama
    β€’ 26 Aug - Paranundrum
    β€’ 30 Aug - Maybebaby - - May Mama

    πŸ“šπŸ«πŸ September 2019 POAS πŸπŸ«πŸ“š
    - Sept -
    β€’ 1 Sept - FuzzyPeaches
    β€’ 4 Sept - Raspberries
    β€’ 7 Sept - Kaohinani
    β€’ 7 Sept - LiliBillie
    β€’ 9 Sept - SweetCaroline - - May Mama
    β€’ 10 Sept - Chypmunk
    β€’ 12 Sept - ScarletBegonia
    β€’ 18 Sept - FarAwayMama
    β€’ 20 Sept - MoonMoon
    β€’ 22 Sept - BreakOutTheIceCream
    β€’ 22 Sept - Paranundrum
    β€’ 25 Sept - MissLace
    No POAS -
    TBD - Mrs. Panda
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing - Skiierchck99 on the 25th

    πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­ October 2019 POAS πŸ­πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ‘»πŸ‚
    - Oct -
    β€’ 4 Oct - Marfi
    β€’ 7 Oct - LiliBillie
    β€’ 8 Oct - Yellowbeach
    β€’ 10 Oct - Raspberries
    β€’ 16 Oct - Mrs. Panda
    β€’ 16 Oct - Becky
    No POAS -
    TBD - Marfi
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸπŸ‚πŸ—πŸˆ November 2019 POAS πŸˆπŸ—πŸ‚πŸ
    - Nov -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    β˜ƒοΈβ„πŸŒ² December 2019 POAS πŸŒ²β˜ƒοΈβ„
    - Dec -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ“£ Amazing POAS Cheerleaders:
    - Lazb
    - Sam's Mom
    - CrazyDogLady
    - PachaMama
    - BHBee
    - MrsJBEEG

  24. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    3rd U/S update for month 43 -

    β€’ Maintaining "low and slow" with Follistim at 25-IU per day so we can slow down my follicular response.
    -- This cycle, I have had a longer than usual AF (6 days + one day of spotting). The NP stated that is a good sign so, I'll take it. πŸ˜‰

    β€’ Today's U/S (at CD 8) showed:
    β–‘ An unchanged 9-mm trilaminar lining
    β–‘ One 11.7-mm follie on the RT ovary
    β–‘ TWO follies (15.4-mm & 12.9-mm) on the LT ovary

    β€’ E2 - will receive a call with my numbers this afternoon
    β€’ As long as my E2 stays fairly low and I have my 3 follies the time of trigger, my IUI is a "go."

    β€’ Until instructed otherwise, I will inject 25-IU Follistim tonight and tomorrow.
    β€’ Return for 4th U/S on Friday (CD 10) to see if IUI will be Saturday, Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday.

    I am excited and hoping my E2 numbers are good. Really hopeful. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ’•

    @Paranundrum: Thank you for keeping up while I was busy. You are absolutely the best.
    @LiliBillie: While I am sorry to read that your AF showed, I am happy you won't have to play a baby-dancing ninja on your DH this cycle! πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒπŸ€Όβ€β™‚οΈπŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£ I REALLY hope you get your BFP this cycle ... How sweet that you would have the same BFP day as when you found out with DD! 🀞
    @MoonMoon: Thank you! Hoping to see some good news from you this cycle. πŸ˜‰

  25. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    Hi Ladies! Need some advice...AF is 3 days late. We haven’t been trying, but did DTD during my β€œfertile period,” but with a condom. So, the chance is soooooo low. AF has also been coming early the past couple of cycles, so maybe it’s just resetting? I feel foolish thinking I should test. I certainly don’t feel pregnant. And, I feel like if I buy a test, AF will appear and I’ll just feel silly. What do you think I should do? Wait a few more days?

  26. LiliBillie

    cherry / 105 posts

    @poppygirl15: I love testing. I always feel so much better even when it is because I can relax and stop obsessing. What I do is get a cheap test and prepare myself for a and remind myself that I can now focus on what I want to do. So I say go for it!!!!!! Baby dust to you, always.

  27. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    @poppygirl15: I started making myself wait until AF was 5 days late when not trying. My cycles had also gotten short, but then suddenly got longer. I’ve definitely googled the likelihood of getting pregnant with a condom when I’m late, because I already got pregnant with an IUD so I’m extra skeptical!

  28. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @poppygirl15: Hi, poppygirl! πŸ‘‹ To respond: I would wait a few more days and then test if AF doesn't come. You are completely normal and are not foolish in the least for wanting to take a HPT at 3 days late. I know I would want to. Keep in mind, you may not actually be "late." There may be a chance that you geared up to OV (with a LH surge) but didn't actually OV until after a later (secondary or tertiary) surge. Also, a woman's luteal phase can deviate approximately 2 days +/- her average LP. So, if you consider that you could have, possibly, ovulated a bit later than you assumed and your LP could have run +1 or 2 days longer, you MAY not actually be "late." Also, many things outside of a BFP can delay one's cycle (* stress, hormonal fluctuations, illness, and anovulation, just to name a few). Most OBGYN'S and RE ask that women wait until they are between 7 and 10 days "late" before coming in for qualitative and quantitative (b-HCG) testing.
    In any case, I would wait a few days unless the need to test is great ... in that situation, test away and, please, feel free to share your results with us as we are all stoked to see πŸ‘€HPTs, especially if BFP. Good luck !

  29. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @kaohinani: @becky: @lilibillie: thank you so much for your kind & thoughtful replies! I think I’ll wait until at least Friday, which was my original plan. I’ll let you know!

  30. chypmunk

    cherry / 239 posts

    so.... AF showed up....so I guess my new poas would be 10/9....yep. on to the next one

  31. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @chypmunk: Oh, bummer! I am so sorry! I will update the board with your new POAS date. Perhaps, October will be luckier for you. 🀞

  32. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    ✳✳✳ UPDATE:
    I received my call from the RE. My E2 is 272.
    My RE wants me to inject the Follistim tonight and come back in tomorrow for another scan. I may trigger Friday or Saturday... It looks like my IUI may be Saturday OR Sunday!!! (*dances πŸ’ƒ around the room*) πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™Š
    New POAS date for me: the 30th of Sept.

  33. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    😁 🀞 2019 POAS - Sept-to-Dec Edition 🀞 😁
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    πŸŒžβ›±πŸΉ August 2019 Roll-Over POAS πŸΉβ›±πŸŒž
    - Aug -
    β€’ 22 Aug - Mrs.Chickpea - - April/May Mama
    β€’ 26 Aug - Paranundrum
    β€’ 30 Aug - Maybebaby - - May Mama

    πŸ“šπŸ«πŸ September 2019 POAS πŸπŸ«πŸ“š
    - Sept -
    β€’ 1 Sept - FuzzyPeaches
    β€’ 4 Sept - Raspberries
    β€’ 7 Sept - Kaohinani
    β€’ 7 Sept - LiliBillie
    β€’ 9 Sept - SweetCaroline - - May Mama
    β€’ 10 Sept - Chypmunk
    β€’ 12 Sept - ScarletBegonia
    β€’ 18 Sept - FarAwayMama
    β€’ 20 Sept - MoonMoon
    β€’ 22 Sept - BreakOutTheIceCream
    β€’ 22 Sept - Paranundrum
    β€’ 25 Sept - MissLace
    β€’ 30 Sept - Kaohinani
    No POAS -
    TBD - Mrs. Panda
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing - Skiierchck99 on the 25th

    πŸ‚πŸ‘»πŸ«πŸ¬πŸ­ October 2019 POAS πŸ­πŸ¬πŸ«πŸ‘»πŸ‚
    - Oct -
    β€’ 4 Oct - Marfi
    β€’ 7 Oct - LiliBillie
    β€’ 8 Oct - Yellowbeach
    β€’ 9 Oct - Chypmunk
    β€’ 10 Oct - Raspberries
    β€’ 16 Oct - Mrs. Panda
    β€’ 16 Oct - Becky
    No POAS -
    TBD - Marfi
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸπŸ‚πŸ—πŸˆ November 2019 POAS πŸˆπŸ—πŸ‚πŸ
    - Nov -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    β˜ƒοΈβ„πŸŒ² December 2019 POAS πŸŒ²β˜ƒοΈβ„
    - Dec -
    No POAS -
    TBD -
    Drop-in BFP-
    B-HCG testing -

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈπŸ“£ Amazing POAS Cheerleaders:
    - Lazb
    - Sam's Mom
    - CrazyDogLady
    - PachaMama
    - BHBee
    - MrsJBEEG

  34. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Kaohinani: Great news!!! This is the one!

  35. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    @Kaohinani: so exciting! 30 September is my mom's birthday, so good energy

  36. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: @MoonMoon: Awwww, thank you so very much for the support, ladies. πŸ’• September 30th is [also] my Godfather's birthday so it would be wonderful to receive good news on that day. Until I have my IUI, I won't have a B-HCG date to look forward to. Hopefully, this will be my cycle ... if not, on to IVF we go ...

  37. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    P.S. I set up a May Mama's board for those who may want or need it:
    Congratulations πŸ₯³ to all May moms!
    RE: @Mrs.Chickpea: @Maybebaby: @SweetCaroline:

  38. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    Well, as I suspected, as soon as I put it out into the universe, AF arrived. I feel fine about it. We weren’t trying for a 3rd and haven’t decided if we even want a 3rd. So, while the idea of the decision of whether to have one being made for me was exciting, it was also terrifying.

  39. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @poppygirl15: I am glad you finally got your answer. IDK whether or not it was [completely] the one you may have wanted (as you sounded a bit remiss for AF to have arrived) but, atleast, you are no longer in limbo [which is the worst feeling].. Anyway, if you decide to start TTC, I hope you conceive early on with a sticky BFP,... If you and DH choose not to, that is wonderful as well.

  40. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @yellowbeach: @LAZB: good luck ladies!! Can’t wait to see updates!!
    @Kaohinani: good luck on your IUI! Sept 30 fees like a positive date and I’m superstitious like that lol.
    @poppygirl15: it’s nice to just have an answer - sometimes an experience like this can clarify what you were really *hoping* the answer would be??

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