My LO is 2.5 mo old and will be heading to daycare in a few weeks. He only wants a pacifier when it's time to nap. Problem is, we have tried every kind Target carries and he can't get any of them to stay in his mouth without us holding it in. I'm guessing daycare isn't going to be that nice! Now that he's discovered his hands, his taken matters into sucking on them when the pacifier fails him. I don't really want a thumb sucking child but we can't hold the pacifier for him either. Luckily, this only happens for naps and he goes to bed at night like a champ without anything.

Please note, I was a thumbsucking child, did not have teeth problems and my mom was clever about breaking my habit. Every time she caught me with my thumb in my mouth, she would sew my blankie in half. Needless to say, she broke two habits in one! So I'm started to lean towards just letting it happen for him despite not wanting to!

Any tips?