What kind of things do you do to return to yourself?
I remember 9 months or so postpartum with my son was one of the very few times someone asked me if I was pregnant because clearly it couldn't be anything else (I'm a small person) --- and now I'm 10 months postpartum from my daughter (almost 5 years after my son) and it is happening again. My poor belly and all the skin just accomodate any old thing --glass of water, dinner, whatever.
I don't remember what I did last time to get comfortable with my body again, and I don't remember what kinds of workouts I did. I know I am slacking. I lost the baby weight but I am definitely deconditioned and nowhere near the semi-fit person I used to be.
Is it something about having a baby? Or .... how do I get back to being myself, and tying the darn sneakers and getting in a workout? And feeling like "me." And either fixing my belly issues or at least not giving a care to what someone else might think about it.
What was your experience over the first year or years, and remembering the "you" that you were before baby, and how much of that you that you want to recapture?