I'm 7 weeks postpartum, and still have a pregnant nose. Actually, my sense of smell might even be *stronger* since I've given birth.

I seriously feel like I should work for a police K9 unit, because I can literally. smell, everything. If a banana peel has been in our trash can overnight, I need it removed, immediately. I smell the toilet water from the bedroom, I can tell you exactly which vegetables are in your sandwich when it's still in the wrapping paper. Someone's smoking in the parking lot of the grocery store? I can smell it in the frozen food aisle. A bonfire at the beach 2 blocks from my apartment? I'm basically roasting a marshmallow with my nose.

Honestly, I can't stand it, anymore. I feel like I need to clean the house, 24 hours a day, because I can smell EVERYTHING. I can smell DH's socks through his work shoes, and need to have him bathe his feet upon entering the house (his feet aren't even that smelly). I clean the bathtub every morning because I feel like I can smell "shampoo residue". Is that even a thing? What in the ever living....

Anyone else? It's driving me nuts.