LO has been pretty solidly potty trained since last August, when he was 3 months shy of 3. We have had very few accidents and he even stayed dry overnight for many months. About 3 months ago, he asked to get rid of his nighttime diapers and wear his underwear. Nervously, we agreed and he did great and continued to be dry at night.

Up until last week, we may have had two small nighttime accidents after switching to underwear and thought we were well on our way. Well, starting last week, he has had 3 nighttime accidents plus 3 other daytime accidents and I am wondering what might be going on. At night, he no longer wakes up to tell us he needs the potty but will wake up, screaming, because he has already gone. I have never seen so much pee in my life on these occasions! He's beside himself and feels cold, confused, and also (I think) embarrassed. We reassure him that everything is ok and that accidents happen, but I am so sad for him when this happns. Also, it concerns me because he has had some daytime accidents recently which is so odd for him. When they happen, he's busy playing and seems to forget to tell us that he needs to go.

Is it normal for a child to regress like this, after so many months of being "successfully" potty trained? We been trying to figure out if something is bothering him to at least help us to understand what might be going on. The only thing we can think of is that I am pregnant but we haven't yet told our son, so it would seem unlikely that he's consciously reacting to this.

Has anyone else dealt with this? If so, I welcome your suggestions and success stories!