My feet have been fairly swollen on and off throughout my pregnant. I try to elevate and I drink so much water -- at least 80 ounces a day. At my 36-week appointment yesterday, the midwife took one look at my feet and was like, wow. They're not so large that they hurt, but they have been pretty evidently swollen the last couple of days.
My BP when I got to the office was 125/84, so she had them retake it before I left, and it was 117/78ish and that was good enough for them to just let me go home. I had no protein in my urine, no headaches, no swelling elsewhere (feet, hands, face). I've had some dizzy spells which she said can be normal, and occasional spots that I told her about, which typically occur when I'm already dizzy or bend over. I had a biophysical profile ultrasound (I have GD) and the baby was perfect, he's been moving normally, etc.
But now I'm kind of freaking out because I keep hearing people say, oh yeah, I had no other signs either/only one symptom but I had HELLP/pre-e. She didn't suggest doing a 24-hour urine test, just seemed satisfied that my second BP was lower.
So... what should I do? I've been elevating today and it's helping a bit, they're swollen but not as bad as yesterday. I'm trying to up my water intake even more. Should I demand a 24-hour urine collection test? Or just calm down and trust them? I'm so nervous now that something is lurking, and don't know what to do.