So, LO is almost 11 months old and still nurses several times a day (when she wakes up, before her 2 naps, and at bedtime). I keep reading and hearing from the nurses at our ped's office that she should be receiving most oh her nutrition from BM... for us, I don't think that's the case.

She eats 3 meals a day (mostly purees and some table food) and maybe 1 snack. When she nurses, I think it's mostly for comfort/habit, because she's only on for 3-5 mins each session. When I go into work, she'll take two 6-ounce bottles while I'm gone, so I'm thinking she only has about 15-20 oz a day?

Is this OK? She was 99th percentile up until her 6 month appt, and now she's in the 70s. I don't know why I'm worried all of a sudden, but I think she eats more food and drinks less BM...