My grandmother (mom's mother) passed away this morning. We were not close (she was a recluse and refused visitors other than my aunts for the past decade), but I am close to the other members of that side of the family and of course I planned to attend her wake and funeral.

My dad, who is Asian, has already asked me not to attend. I am 37 weeks pregnant and he believes it is unlucky for pregnant women to attend funerals. My mom's family is white so they (and I) don't share this belief. My mom herself passed away a few years ago so I don't have her help right now on how to navigate this.

I want to attend but I don't want to cause any issues with my dad, especially right now when I am feeling pretty emotional in general. To make things more awkward, I actually already attended a funeral earlier in my pregnancy, but I didn't tell my dad because I knew he'd disapprove. At the time though, I didn't realize just how serious he was about this. Now I feel like I need to come clean about that too.

Any thoughts on how to deal with this?

I spoke with a co-worker who is from China earlier today and she was like "no, you can't go!". So that was no help at all.