Is there some good resource spelling out what the options are for prenatal testing? I feel like I get a little confused over what the options are at every appointment, and the midwives never actually really recommend anything, they just tell me my options (which I promptly forget when I leave). I realize they are just doing their job and giving me options and probably could be sued if they advise against something and then something is wrong, but I just want to know what is reasonable.

I'll be 32 when I deliver and have no reason to think anything would be wrong, so I just want the basics but I am kind of confused as to what that is. I feel like the more tests I get done, the more chance of getting results that will needlessly cause worry, though of course it's nice to get an all clear. We just had the NT scan and will get the blood results back next week.

Any websites that are helpful and not overly technical or alarmist?