We had P's party today & everything went pretty great! I did scrap a few menu items, along with some decor ideas but I'm the only on that really knows that so everyone else though it was "So cute!"

We did a "P" theme so all the food items started with the letter P, and then we went & got sodas (I ran out of Pink Lemonade & Pomegranate Punch pretty quick). We did it outside under the carport and had cookie decorating for the kids.... My sister's boyfriend even got in on icing a cooking for himself! P seemed to enjoy her cake (bean cake that I saved some for myself.. tehe), but still refused to feed herself... she has fun making a mess though & giving some to Daddy! She got lots of great gifts & the cutest little wooden/wicker chair from her Great Mawmaw. Both I and G have wooden rocking chairs hand-made by my late Pawpaw so my Mawmaw is on the search for one for P... even though my Pawpaw is gone we have to keep that "tradition". =)

Now for LOTS of pics! =)