P obtained her first real injury this morning when she went for our space heater! *gasp* She had been real good about staying away from it, but I guess since I had it off the last couple days she thought she'd get brave & try & grab it! ='(
Her burn wasn't too bad, but she did have a couple decent sized blisters across her palm and she cried for a whole HOUR! It was so heartbreaking & I felt like the worst mom EVER on EARTH!
Well, I gave her some tylenol, wrapped her hand with some breastmilk on a gauze & medical tape, and we went about our day... after she finally calmed down enough to nap. Upon looking at her hand again tonight, to wrap it before bed, I was astounded to see it's not red at all, her blisters are flat (I didn't pop them though), and it looks like by morning it should be well enough to leave unwrapped!
I still feel horrible, but I'm pretty glad the breastmilk has help speed up the healing! I will be really sad when I don't have any around for times like this!
What was your lo first *real* injury?