Has any one else heard about San Francisco's program to encourage low and moderate income families to save towards college?
I found this article on CNN this morning:
I think this is an awesome program. Every little bit that can be saved towards a child's education makes a difference. And if families of four living on a household income of $40K in the San Francisco area can save a little bit here and there then anyone can. Some points from the article I found really interested were that children with a college savings account (regardless of the balance) are more likely to attend college than kids without one, and that 14% of families eligible for this program are participating when the national average is only 3% of families saving for college education costs. I think it's awesome that the city is helping to put focus on this and contributing financially on these kids behalf. The dollar amounts are small but something it better than nothing and with compouding interest it's impressive how much money can grow from the time a child is in kindergarten until they are freshman in college.