Hi guys,
Lots of questions this week since we are going through a real rough one. DD turned 3 months on Monday and every since then she has been super fussy. She has reflux already (mentioned in previous posts) but yesterday had a terrible day and was fussy and crying with my mom all day which is unusual for her usually happy self. It seems like shes going through a growth spurt and possibly teething at the same time? Lots of drool and gnawing at her hands. This morning I noticed her eyelids looked a lot puffier than usual. Her eyes were bright and open and clear but the lids themselves looked puffy. Is this common from the teething and maybe the crying from yesterday? My mom said today she was off and on fussy too. Bottle feeding has been a nightmare and she fidgets and struggles through pretty much every bottle. I am getting a little worried. Any advice? Is this common with growth spurts and teething? I did place a call into the pediatrician for advice as well.