This week we had our EI evaluation and other meetings and Monday we're doing the IFSP. I'm growing increasingly uncomfortable with the questions and interactions and am not sure how to handle this.
If you started when LO was very young, did you find that the intake stuff focused a lot on how you cared for your infant? And regardless of age did you find that the services you received were all about teaching you how to interact with your child? Did you ever feel that you had an alternative in terms of receiving therapy through other means?
I ask this because I'm having a tough time with the questions they're asking getting very detailed about our routine, how often I change his clothes, etc. When I wasn't interested in giving specifics she pressed further and seemed to think I actually didn't change his clothes or something. I feel like they're pressuring me to follow some kind of perfect parenting best practices, and I'm sorry but that doesn't happen for most parents even with the best of intentions. But he's not neglected! Other parents don't have all kinds of visitors from the state coming into their home during the newborn days and interrogating them on their parenting skills and with my PPD it's bothering me a lot.