I am planning to tell my parents about the pregnancy at 6 weeks. Mainly, I want to be able to talk to my mom about it because i talk to her about pretty much everything else. (She doesn't know we were TTC though). Also, my parents aren't chatty to other people at ALL and i know they can keep a secret.

The mister mentioned he'd like to tell his parents too, since I'm telling mine. It's fair. Plus his mom has been SO on the edge of her seat for a grandchild, she'll be so thrilled. But his (large) family is pretty closeknit and neither of us is confident about his mom's ability to keep it secret until the end of the first tri.

Should we tell them, knowing it *could* leak out? Or keep it quiet until Thanksgiving--even though my parents will have known for 6 or 7 weeks by then? Anyone else face this kind of sitch?

Edited to add: It's not like I think she'll facebook it or anything. But you know how it goes. You are with another family member and suddenly you're telling them "you can't tell anyone this, but _____" and eventually, several people know.