I just need to vent. Every week I meal prep (or try to). All I ask is for DH to give me some recommendations. He is somewhat of a picky eater - but so weird when it comes to how frequently he likes to eat the same meat or with what types of meals he considers "too similar".
I have tried everything. I start telling him on Thursday - "can you start thinking about what you want to eat next week"...which is usually met with "I will"...and ya - Sunday morning its still a fight before I go to the grocery store.
I made a calendar with our 25 most common meals as pins...he can just pin what he wants in the "Up Next" box. Nothing. I made a binder of all the recipes for him to just flip and flag what he wants...he still ends up stressed/annoyed and just picking from the same 10-15 meals.
I tried monthly meal planning - and it stressed him out. He still offered little input and griped quietly as nights went on where he was not pleased with the meal.
I snapped this weekend and basically said I was over it - either shape up or he can grocery shop and cook from here on out. Who else goes through this? How do you survive? I think this is going to slowly drive me insane...
Anyone else go through this?