Hellobee Boards


Reason #467 I may kill DH - complete lack of dinner suggestions...

  1. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    This is sort of a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation. He isn't willing to meal plan (or offer suggestions) but is willing to complain...how can you win? This kind of behavior might be expected of a teenage boy, not a grown man. So, you might have to treat it that way. Instead of having him look at these resources you were so gracious to put together for him to peruse on his own time, I would say "hey, here's your laptop, we are going to meal plan for this week RIGHT NOW." And hold him "hostage" until you guys come up with a plan. There is no reason why all the pressure should be on you-- he eats after all.

  2. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @Mrs D: Costco is my least favourite destination, so i don't know about that! I just remembered something i say to LO1 which would apply to your husband "You get what you get, and you don't get upset." Good luck!

  3. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I think the not eating what you cook thing is rude but if he just can't seem to eat it because of weird food issues then whatever. You can't force someone to eat. However he CAN learn to STFU with the comments. I would tell him you won't complain anymore about how rude and annoying his food habits are if he will shut up about what's on the table. He can not like what's on the table and still say (and truly mean) "thank you for taking the time and effort to make our family a nice healthy meal." If he won't eat it, then figure it out but he doesn't have to be a jerk about it. You're not a mind reader.

  4. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    It does sort of seem like a no-win situation. My DH rarely gives suggestions unless it's a special request, but he is also pretty easy to please. Could you try doing your weekly plan on Thursday, and giving it to him to look over before you shop?

  5. LindsayLou

    persimmon / 1322 posts

    I'm with previous posters. His comments are rude and uncalled for. I can relate to having a husband who makes meal planning difficult. Mine rarely makes suggestions, doesn't always like what I like, and doesn't do the cooking himself so isn't always understanding of the effort it takes. That said, he's appreciative and gracious.

    I verbally or through text ask him what sounds good every time I meal plan or go to the store. He's terrible about coming up with suggestions, but if I give him a list of all the things that sound good to me, he'll usually choose 4 or 5. His most common request is "something new", which I try to accommodate and take note of what goes over especially well.


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