These days it's such a battle to get RJ to do what we want... mainly get out of his crib in the morning, come downstairs to eat breakfast, get into the car to get to daycare, get into the car at daycare to go home, and of course the biggest issue is getting him upstairs to go to bed. And even once we're upstairs, getting him to get into the bath, and getting him to get out of the bath.... It's like, once we get to the place we're going he's fine, but getting him there is the big challenge.
We have a few tricks that will work here and there (mostly letting him take a favorite toy everywhere we go) but some days it's just a nightmare. Plus we can't take his electronic toys into the bath, we don't want him to take his nice or unique toys to daycare, etc.
Do you have any tricks to get your ornery toddler to comply with your wishes??