Hellobee Boards


Reusable vs Disposable breast pads

  1. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    One word of caution - not everyone leaks, so you might not want to load up too much before baby comes. I thought leaking was a given, so I got like 2 giant boxes of Lansinoh disposable pads and something like 10 pairs of Bamboobies (both daytime and overnight varieties), and I only leaked for the first two weeks postpartum, and then occasionally overnight for a few weeks. I'm still breastfeeding/pumping at 9 months, but haven't leaked once in the past 6 months for sure. I ended up giving away both boxes of disposable pads a few months ago to a friend--I had only used like 4 of them.

    I so loved the Bamboobies, so much softer on my sore nipples those first few weeks, that I had just used those. I'm holding on to those for my (hopefully) next baby, but really I didn't need as many of those as I bought either. From looking at this thread apparently I'm very lucky (and abnormal!) in not leaking--but I wish I hadn't wasted money on stocking up on breast pads that I ultimately didn't use, and with Amazon Prime I easily could have just bought them as I needed them instead.

    I suppose I'll probably leak a bit and need to use the Bamboobies a bit when I wean in a few months, but haven't crossed that bridge yet.


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