LO (almost 22 months) is going through some major attachment issues, and it's really affected her sleep these days.

When i put her to sleep, she will cry for me to sleep next to her. Sometimes i'll give in, sometimes i'll insist on just holding her through the crib slats until she falls asleep. Unfortunately, this has lead to her waking up anywhere from 5:30 to 6:45 screaming for me. The 6:45 i can deal with, but that means LO is getting less than 10 hours of sleep which is not enough. It affects her moods and makes her more susceptible to tantrums.

On Saturday i had bad food poisoning so DH put her to sleep (which was greeted with frantic screaming and crying). But she ended up sleeping straight until 7:45am without her calling for me.

This morning she woke up screaming at 5:45am. We brought her to our bed but she didn't sleep and just wanted to play.

I need your advice. Do i just have DH put her to sleep? Do i put her to sleep but then not stay in the room until she falls asleep? I'm a little too weak these days to do cry-it-out with my toddler.