Big changes are occurring in our world. Baby will be here in January, DH has given his two weeks notice and is starting a consulting business today (he plans to only work two-three days a week maximum the remaining days he will be a SAH parent). This is our first child and the first time one of us is not working full time outside the home.

For those of you who have spouses that stay at home or if you are the stay at home parent (either part time or full time) how detailed a conversation did you have about expectations? Is there something you wish would have been set out ahead of time/discussed?

My main worry is that when I get home from work on the days that DH is watching LO that I will be the one doing most of the house work or watching LO. Don't get me wrong I will want to spend time with LO but don't want the sole responsibility just because DH will have watched her all day and "needs a break." I would expect that we would both have a hand in her care.