If you stay at home with LO do you have a backup if you can't take care of them for an extended period of time? Are your parents and/or inlaws able to help? Would you utilize drop off care if available? Or have SO take time off from work?
I fell yesterday on the ice while carrying DD - I was able to prevent her from hitting the pavement but by doing so I possibly broke my elbow. It has too much fluid in the elbow and too much swelling for them to be positive right now, but they believe there is a fracture. I can barely move my arm which is making it incredibly difficult to take care of DD.
DH typically works Wednesday - Sunday. We're trying to figure out what option makes the most sense for us if I am unable to care for her solo. Our parents live 2+ hours away and all work so they are only available on weekends. I've found a few daycares that offer drop in care but DH's schedule is really bizarre and I'm not sure I could do drop off or pick up. Basically feeling screwed right now and desperately hoping the doctors are wrong about the fracture.