If you worked before you became a SAHM (or even just took a big pay cut post baby), how did you transition your finances?

For us, for a number of reasons, we still have largely separate finances with one joint account. We aren't opposed to just sharing everything, but haven't really figured out how to re-align once I'm a SAHM. I want to get it sorted out before the baby gets here so it's less of a transition. I just don't want to feel like I'm 'spending his money' all the time, or like he can use money for whatever and I should be really responsible with it or whatever. Note-- this is stemming from MY feelings, he has never acted like that's how it would be.

So, just curious how others do it, if you don't mind saying. Just one joint account for everything? Small personal accounts and mostly joint? Something else?

ETA: We don't own a home yet and just have one car with no payments, no debts, so all our fixed expenses are easy things like rent, electric.