If you are a SAHM, when do you do things like dentist/doctor appts, hair cuts, etc? Of course, running errands is a much more complicated process with baby in tow, but I can manage the grocery store, Target, etc. And my dentist office is so nice that they insisted I bring the baby and the front desk ladies entertained her while I had my teeth cleaned and they encouraged me to BF in the waiting room.

But I desperately need a hair cut and I just don't know when I can do it. DH works fairly long hours and usually gets home right before bedtime (7-7:30). We don't have any family nearby and our friends all work or have their own babies to take care of.

I had the idea that I'd be able to schedule things like that during the day since I didn't have a 9-5 schedule, but duh, I have the baby then! How do you do it?