I am curious how much time you spend actively engaged in play with your kiddos at home, and how this changed from infancy through toddlerhood.

I have always felt like I need to play with lo more, but when I sit down with him I often get distracted, or think of something I need to get done, or notice that he would really just rather run around the room than sit down and "play" at this age. Aside from building a few towers for him to knock down and reading lots of stories, I don't really spend nearly as much time playing *with* him as I thought I would. I try not to keep my phone or ipad in the room when I am focusing on playing with him, but my thoughts still wander and after about 10 minutes I feel like I just can't sit there anymore. I am curious if other parents have a similar experience. Does playing get easier as they get older? LO is 13 months now.