Hellobee Boards


SAHP's - How much time do you spend playing each day?

  • poll: How much time do you spend actively engaged in play with your kiddos during the day?
    Less than 30 minutes : (1 votes)
    2 %
    30-60 minutes : (19 votes)
    31 %
    60-90 minutes : (20 votes)
    33 %
    90-120 minutes : (5 votes)
    8 %
    More than 120 minutes : (16 votes)
    26 %
  1. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    I'd say we play together for about 2 hours each day. He's 10 months and he's not very independent. He always wants me to be sitting next to him. I'm trying to work on getting him to play independently for at least a few minutes at a time, but no luck so far!

  2. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Silva: I tell my husband everyday how bored I am with LO all day, lol. Love him but, it isn't fun watching a baby destruct the house and throw toys.

    We play, i'd say 30-60mins because in the AM, we roughhouse in bed. At bath time, I kneel down and play with his toys with him, and at night before bed, I always sit him on my lap and we have tickle time. I don't count taking him on a wagon ride or stroller ride as play time. That is "us time" but I am not actively playing with him.

  3. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    I'm not sure on a total throughout the day but usually he will only play with me for maybe 15 min and then he is off to explore something. He likes to help with laundry and the dishwasher. If I have to do chores I bring a couple toys into that room for him to play with, but usually he finds something to explore.

    Now that I'm back at work besides when I'm making dinner I try and spend most of the time before bed playing with him, even if I'm on the floor and he is playing beside me.


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