I'm looking for advice and ideas from other parents of school aged kids. My son is in kindergarten, and his elementary school does monthly spirit nights at nearby restaurants. People eat there, say they are with the school, and then the PTA gets a percentage of sales.
The lady who was in charge of the spirit nights stepped down, and I decided to take over, since I was wanting to get more involved in the school. She said all I had to do was confirm the spirit nights with the restaurants, publicize the event (through flyers and social media posts), and then manage the Sign Up Genius for volunteers for the sign in table. At every spirit night, they ask for volunteers to sit at the sign in table for 30 minute shifts while kids sign in on a little slip of paper. The class with the highest attendance gets a classroom cookie party, and the idea of cookie parties helps us get a larger turnout at events. The person at the sign in table is there to make sure the kids sign in correctly, don't cheat (try to get in extra entries), and be a friendly face when families arrive.
I was under the impression that volunteers for this were plentiful, but since I've taken over, I'm lucky if I get 3 of 4 people to volunteer when I have 8 shifts to fill. The spirit nights are from 4-8 pm broken into eight 30 minute shifts. When nobody steps up to volunteer, I end up filling in, and this means spending 2-3 hours sitting at the sign in table at every spirit night, and I'm getting tired of it.
I've talked to the PTA president, and she says I need to keep asking/pressuring people to volunteer, but I have posted on social media, sent emails, and even asked a few people in person, and everyone has an excuse as to why they can't do it. I get it - people are busy, but it's making me sad and frustrated. I even had a parent come up to me and say that she thought the sign-in table was a waste of volunteer time. I told the president this, and she said she doesn't know a better way to do things, since the kids get so excited about the cookie parties.
Does anyone have any advice or ideas for me on how I can make this better? I feel stuck, and I don't have it in me to just say, "no, I won't do it." But at the same time, I don't think it's fair to me to have to fill in all the leftover spots.