I totally need some thread starters luck! Good luck to everyone trying this month!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject?
I totally need some thread starters luck! Good luck to everyone trying this month!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
Cycle Day: I think CD1 will be 8/21
TTC Cycle: #5 post D&C in March
Ovulation Date: 9/6?
POAS Date: 9/18
Baby #: 3
What's up this month: We've had bad timing and stressful bd (like 3am getting in from a work trip) so many months in a row. Hopefully this time is better. Also trying myo-inositol and hoping to stick with the cleaner eating I've been doing.
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I was always ready to go back but that may have just been my love of school supply shopping. I don't remember in elementary but in high school I loved math and history. My DD starts kinder on Monday!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
PS feel free to update the list anytime during the month if I get behind!
cherry / 239 posts
Cycle Day: 4
TTC Cycle: 2nd after a loss in May
Ovulation Date: based on my app which has a 31 days cycle 8/31 however my last cycle was 46 days so basically its subject to change since my cycles are now all over the place
POAS Date: 9/14 also subject to change if I have another wild cycle
Baby #:1
What's up this month: I've been so overwhelmed with the idea of ttc since my loss, that I needed to take a step back; my new main focus is to work on me with exercise and better eating so I can in other words mellow out
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? I loved it!! I especially loved back to school shopping.... if I could I would spend an entire day in an office supply store. Lol
What was your favorite subject? I LOVED history, sounds boring? But I just loved looking up and and reading about all the old empires and dynasties and have quite an interest in the royal lineages
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@chypmunk: I love that stuff too! I'm watching Reign on Netflix (totally soapy and only very loosely historical) and I'm always getting lost in Wikipedia reading the real history of the people in the show.
cherry / 239 posts
@bhbee: the first season of the crown on Netflix was pretty good, next season should be coming out in the fall so I'm looking forward to it; I'm going to look into reign
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@chypmunk: reign is about Mary queen of scots and they take tons of liberties but it's pretty fun if you like that kind of show
cherry / 239 posts
@bhbee: oh snap then I'm totally going to catch it on Netflix I LOVE that era
apricot / 262 posts
Cycle Day: CD11
TTC Cycle: 1 (!!)
Ovulation Date: 8/21-ish
POAS Date: 9/2-ish
Baby #: 2 - DS will be 2 in September
What's up this month: This is our first cycle TTC #2! We'd initially planned to get started in May, but I'm matron of honor in my sister's wedding in the spring, so we pushed it back a few months for that. I got my IUD out in June and have been using OPKs to track my cycle since then, so I'll continue that for this month.
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I used to love going back to school, but agree it was all about the new supplies! My favorite subject was always English since I love to read.
cherry / 188 posts
Hi! I'm newish here and excited to go through ttc together!
Cycle Day: 6
TTC Cycle: 4 since I got my period back after 3rd baby
Ovulation Date:9/1?
POAS Date:9/16
Baby #: 4
What's up this month: thinking about tracking more, but also want to not care so much.
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I loved going back to school and my favorite subject was science
cherry / 121 posts
Cycle Day: 9!
TTC Cycle: 2nd. Finally got my period back last month after M at 9 months pp. But this month felt like a real cycle again.
Ovulation Date: predicted 8/27
POAS Date: 9/6
Baby #: 2!
What's up this month: We have trips planned this weekend and labor day weekend, but my O day should fall on the one weekend where BD is possible! Planning a very relaxing weekend with some much needed self care and two date nights! Hopefully we have good timing, as this would be an ideal month to conceive (travel plans, age gap, etc)
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I loved back to school! I really miss school this time of year lol. I loved English and history!
clementine / 787 posts
Cycle day: 4
Ttc: 3D post loss in May
Ovulation day: estimated 30 August
POAS: 13 September
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: work and a trip to Salzburg Austria. It's probably the last month we can ttc without messing up a move next summer from Europe back to the US so I definitely need some luck coming my way this month.
For fun: school is not fun. I went to law school and then got two different masters of law since then so I'm done completely with school. Favorite subject was history when I was a kid. People are fascinating and even more for historical figures.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@bhbee: Popping in to say I hope the combination of myo-inositol and thread starter's luck does the trick. And that there are bunches of Sept for everyone here.
Good luck too with your DD starting kinder! How are you feeling about it?
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@periwinklebee: all over the place! I know she's ready but I will miss her since she hasn't gone full days away since she was two. 5 is an awesome age! It's definitely making me want a baby (and the 5yo would be soooo into it)
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
September POAS
9/2 - elljay
9/6 - bernieboo
9/13 - mrsjbeeg
9/14 - chypmunk
9/16 - mamabird
9/18 - bhbee
let's get lots of names down here
if it needs any updates just reply!
apricot / 262 posts
@bhbee: thanks! I've been antsy to start, so just trying to maintain realistic expectations for this month - but it's tough. Hoping that thread-starters luck kicks in for you!
apricot / 262 posts
@MrsJBeeG: that sounds like a great trip! I would love to go there and just nerd out on The Sound of Music - it was my all-time favorite movie when I was a kid. Have fun!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@bhbee: Awww, five sounds like an amazing age - such a sweet spot between being old enough to be independent and have independent interests, but not so independent that they want nothing to do with mamma anymore I was six when my brother was born, and it's an awesome age gap. I think a baby is gonna happen for you soon - I just wish our bodies didn't have to be so darn uncooperative and mystifying sometimes
clementine / 787 posts
@elljay: thanks! we are actually staying in the Von Trapp's actual home. It wasn't in the movie but has been turned into a hotel. And I'm booking us a private tour of the sound of music spots. DH and i are huge Sound of Music fans so we are looking foreard to the trip.
apricot / 262 posts
So, we were both sick over the weekend and didn't manage to BD at all. I got my peak OPK yesterday morning so we had sex last night. I had hoped to try again this morning but DH wasn't really feeling a 6am quickie. I'm gonna try for tonight and tomorrow night as well - hopefully that covers some of our bases!
apricot / 262 posts
Alright, we got two outta three - O-1 and O day. Hoping that will be enough! Also hoping work craziness will distract me from the TWW...
cherry / 132 posts
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: 9/11
POAS Date: 9/21
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: I had an appointment with my OBGYN on Tuesday where I discussed my concerns about having a short luteal phase. This is our 3rd cycle TTC but I've been charting for 5 months since I came off of BCP and my LP has consistently been 7-9 days. I told my doctor that I've been ovulating on CD19-20 (through confirmation of OPKs, BBT, and noticing my CM) and have consistently had 28 day cycles. She told me that she "seriously doubts I have a LP defect" because the number of days in my cycle are "normal" and that OPKs and taking your BBT are not reliable methods of tracking your fertility.
I was kind of speechless and asked how one can accurately confirm ovulation has occurred and she said the only one to confirm is through a blood test. So, my plan for this month is to have a blood test on CD5 to check my hormone levels, and a transvaginal ultrasound on CD12/13. She said if there isn't a follicle found through the ultrasound (which would indicate ovulation would occur during the "normal" range of CD13-15), they'll have my do a progesterone test on CD25-26.
I also asked my doctor about using B6, Vitex, and progesterone supplements if I do have a LP defect (all recommended by the wonderful ladies on last month's POAS thread!) and she said that there isn't really any research that any of these methods work/exist and that she just heard about a possible B6 study as recently as last week.
I'm also planning on taking a B6 vitamin this month to see if that helps to lengthen my LP because I figure it can't hurt. Sorry for the short novel here but I got a lot of great responses from you guys last month and wanted to provide an update! I was frustrated by my doctor dismissing fertility charting but I will continue to do it and will continue to advocate for myself.
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I really enjoyed going back to school and my favorite subject was Math.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@sunflowerbee: welcome to the board! I've found so many doctors to be frustrating on fertility stuff. They just dismiss you! I hope the tests get you some info. If you get further along on ttc (hope you get a bfp first!) I wouldn't hesitate to try to visit an re instead who would probably be more receptive and have more ideas on what to do next. But I hope your b6 helps and you never need that!
clementine / 787 posts
So is it me but does BD get a little tiring when ttc? DH has agreed to try the SMEP this month for the best chance since we have to skip a few months after this month if we don't conceive. I don't chart or use opks (as I'm too neurotic and it would take over my life) so we are basing it off when I typically seem to develop ovulation related cramps (day 14 and 15). We have hit CD 8 and 10. Then will hit 12,13,14 and 16 assuming no snags. Sheesh it wears me out just thinking about it.
I know it's worth it to give it the best chance but I look forward to getting back to more BD just because we enjoy it and each other.
Thanks ladies - just needed to express it here where there's no judgment.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@MrsJBeeG: omg yes. And We don't even try as much as smep. I hate having to schedule it on nights when nobody wants to - and then sometimes it messes up other times of the month because you're just over it after o!
I am thinking/hoping our bd falls mostly over the holiday weekend which would be AMAZING after several months of having to do post midnight returning from trips and such.
So good luck getting through it!!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I'm a little baby crazy, but a hurricane baby could be fun, so we will see I haven't gotten my first pp af after my youngest, but took an opk on a whim and it was positive, so we shall see. I have a luteal phase defect, so most likely I'll get my period in 2-4 days, but if not, I'll be poas crazy
Cycle Day: n/a
TTC Cycle: I guess 1, but not really trying yet
Ovulation Date: I think 8/26 or 8/27
POAS Date: 9/5
Baby #: 4
What's up this month: just going to see what happens, we weren't planning on trying for a few months, but I couldn't resist when I saw the opk
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject?
I did, and I honestly do t remember my favorite subject lol. I liked school in general.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@LAZB: hope everything is ok in your area! Flooding looks super scary from the hurricane! But I hope the baby works out
cherry / 188 posts
@MrsJBeeG: I feel exactly the same! We also use my cycle as the major indicators. I want to do more, but tend to be obsessive compulsive.
kiwi / 548 posts
TTC Cycle: 15
Ovulation Date: 9/10ish
POAS Date: 9/24ish
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: I normally just read all of the posts but after thinking August was our month (supposed to POAS tomorrow) and being really excited, AF literally just showed up. Thought I would give this a try and get all of your support this cycle instead of just trolling. This will be our 15th month of trying but first with femara. Really hoping it works!!
For Fun: Did you like going back to school? What was your favorite subject? I tended to enjoy going back to school and math was my favorite subject. It is actually how my husband and I met!
Looking forward to hearing everyone's stories and hopefully we will all have good luck in September!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
September POAS
9/2 - elljay
9/5 - lazb
9/6 - bernieboo
9/13 - mrsjbeeg
9/14 - chypmunk
9/16 - mamabird
9/18 - bhbee
9/21 - sunflowerbee
9/24 - labradorlover
let's get lots of names down here
if it needs any updates just reply!
cherry / 121 posts
Ahhhh!!! I'm feeling SO optimistic about this cycle!!! Here's my OPKs from this week!!! I've never gotten a positive! I tested randomly over the summer, but didn't get my period back until last month. I was testing and temping when we were getting close to my fertile window and then it all fell apart bc of a family emergency (no sex, no temps, no OPKs). This cycle, my period came and was pretty normal and then I've been temping all month and started testing on Wed. I finally got a positive tonight! I almost forgot to test and actually peed (ruining my 4 hour hold), but decided to try with the tiny bit of pee I got out. I'll test again in the morning, but I'm pretty sure i O'ed this afternoon. We BD on Thursday, tried for last night but fell asleep. BD tonight and tomorrow. That should cover it right?? What is the timing of O vs positive opk? I had some right side cramping the afternoon. With a positive and good timing, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be a nutcase this TWW!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Bernieboo: exciting! You should O in 24-48 hours of your positive opk
apricot / 262 posts
6DPO and hardcore symptom-spotting over here. Had a shooting pain in my left nipple and had to restrain myself from frantically Googling it.
@Bernieboo: what a difference between AM and PM!
cherry / 121 posts
@elljay: yeah! It's crazy! I tested again this morning and it was positive. But tonight's test was already lighter. I see how easily you could miss it! I'm about to join you with the crazy symptom spotting (two more days until we're out of the window and the crazy train arrives). I'm trying not to get too excited about this cycle, but it's so hard not to when our timing is so perfect!
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