Hi all! I've been lurking for a while, and love the site and the boards! Just wanted to ask for help with naps.

My LO is just over 4 months now and we've been sleep training for about 10 days using CIO with checks, doing nights and naps at the same time. His night sleep improved fairly quickly, and he is pretty good at self-soothing now and falls asleep with little to no crying usually. He's getting around 9-10.5 hrs of sleep per night.

However, in the past few days, the length of his naps have gotten worse. He used to take 1.5-2 hr naps, but now his naps are usually 20-40 mins (rarely 1 hr). Even his morning nap, which was usually the longest, is short. His naps total anywhere from 2.75-4.75 hrs per day.

I know that his naps are expected to get shorter during sleep training, but was wondering why they got worse 7+ days into it (instead of right at the beginning when he was more tired).

I've tried pushing his bedtime earlier in case he is overtired and catching up on sleep debt (we started with a 7:30 pm bedtime and have moved it back to about 6:45--he resisted a 6:15 bedtime when we tried.) I've also tried letting him CIO when he wakes up early from naps, but he gets so worked up he rarely falls back asleep.

Any suggestions? thanks!