My husband and I have decided to try for baby #2. With baby #1, I didn't chart or use OPKs and generally only knew I was ovulating by relying on my CM. We got our BFP after about 5 months though I'm not really sure exactly how long it took since we were being pretty casual about it.
I'm feeling a little more time pressure now though for two reasons: (1) I'm going to be 39 this year and we're still not sure whether we want to stop at 2 babies or eventually go for 3 which means I may be running out of time and (2) we're already past the age gap we ideally wanted our kids to be so I'd really like it to happen sooner rather than later.
Last month, I decided to go for it and use OPKs to better our chances but I never got a positive. I did have the telltale CM that I usually take to mean it's "go time" but because I didn't get a positive, we held off. Now I'm wondering if the OPKs are not as reliable as my body's signs and I should just listen to my body like I did last time.
I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and although my cycles now seem to be pretty regular and I didn't have much trouble conceiving baby #1, I do always worry that it could be an issue. Should I give OPKs another try? Should I just follow my body's signals? I'm a little confused.