My 16 month old didn't sleep well last night for reasons I can't figure out. He was up at 1:30am, 4am, 4:30am, and 5am, He has done this before when he gets teeth...or gets sick. The daycare called my husband and said he was really fussy and had a fever of 100 (which technically isn't a fever, you can have a temp of 100 just from crying hard). Maybe he's getting his molars? Maybe he's getting sick ( I was sick last Wednesday with a fever for 2 days). My husband thinks he is just exhausted (his naps haven't been good this week at all).

Here's the kicker, we're supposed to leave for Disneyland Saturday at 6pm. I don't know what to do. I'm seriously panicking. I bought park tickets and reserved a hotel room and everything. =( I can't cancel the hotel room because the deadline to cancel has passed. The tickets are at least still good till like January 2021 or something but still. Any advice? I live in SD so it's about 1.5 hours to Anaheim where Disneyland is.