So I guess this situation was kind of my own fault, but I have no idea how I should have reacted when it happened. AITA?
We're in NYC. There are very few coronavirus cases, and they're not going up no matter what unsafe stuff people get up to. In June it finally seemed safe to start seeing my parents, and then we met up with the rest of our small family, outside. We didn't invite anyone over until this weekend, when it's DD's birthday.
Today DH had to meet up with his aunt, and then they went to our house together. It was just us, the aunt, and her daughter. The aunt walks in and right away starts coughing, and her nose is streaming the whole time, and she's complaining about feeling bad... I didn't really know how to react, so I went and put my mask on. And kept it on the whole time she was in the house. I told her I was wearing it because I lost a stupid bet, but I don't think she believed me because several times that day, she started hugging and kissing the kids and I think it was obvious I'm pulling them away from her. When she was leaving she said something about feeling unwelcome. I'm sorry about that, but I really had no idea how to react. And I'd be a lot sorrier if DH and I both got sick at the same time and no one could care for the kids.
For context - I don't like this aunt very much, but I've never been anything but polite, and I'd have done the same if anyone else came in coughing and sniffling. Also, she's constantly traveling all over the place even when it's unnecessary (and was doing that in March and April too) so who knows what she might have. But DH swears she never coughed once before they got here.
I'm glad I'd insisted on not having everyone over at once (my parents and DH's brother came on different days). In hindsight, though, I should have seen this coming and said no to visitors, period.
PS for the aunt's sake, I hope it's just a cold!!!