Has anyone used a sleep consultant for a toddler (17 mo)? We're in sleep (actually no-sleep) hell and it is really bad for me, husband, and certainly LO who is a wreck. Last night he slept from 8pm-10:15pm, then was up 10:15-2:45am, then we had to wake him at 8 so we could get out the door.

I have not looked into a sleep consultant because I guess I feel like it's mostly just some variation of "let them cry", which I don't need to pay money to hear. That's all our pediatrician says and at this point/with the severity of our situation, it is not really helpful. I've also seen there are some supposed "gentle sleep consultants", although not sure it would work. We're CIO dropouts because LO will literally cry for hours and I can't do it. But I am not opposed to any crying at all - I realize that will likely be part of it at this point. I don't want to pay someone to tell me to do extinction CIO and let him cry for 3 hours.

If you've used one, I'd love to hear your recommendations and/or experiences (positive and negative). We are totally at the end of our rope - this is breaking us and we've got to do something. He WAS STTN so I know he can do it.