I don't even know where to begin.

My 9m old has always been a bad sleeper. Up until about a week ago she was waking every 2-3 hours overnight. Sometimes even every 1.5 hours. In the past week overnight sleep has started getting a little better. But bedtime has gotten bad. Really bad. It takes almost until 11 before she will settle for the night.

I nurse her to sleep around 7-715 and she will fall asleep really quickly but then fuss on and off for the next 30-40min. Every time I try to get up the slightest creak will wake her up. When I finally try to put her down she will immediately wake up screaming and crying. I have gotten to the breaking point that I will let her CIO for a bit. But all this achieves is giving me a 10-15 minute break while she screams at the top of her lungs crying. Getting more hysterical. Until I go in to rescue her and she will fall asleep almost immediately as soon as she's on the boob. Repeat and usually she won't stay asleep until 11pm. Wakeup can be around 2am or 4/500 am.

There's a few things that I think can be happening or all at the same time.

She's finally cutting her first tooth. I can feel it. She has literally been teething for like 6m. It's ridiculous.

I think she might be trying to drop her morning nap. Her naps are a total different horror story. I'm not sure if I should help her drop that morning nap.

She might be "overtired"? Need a earlier bedtime?

Help sleep experts!!! This drawn out bedtime is so draining and exhausting because it leaves me absolutely no wind down time at night and I'm still going to bed after 11pm!!

(Baby fever effectively squashed for the time being )