DD (13.5 weeks) has never been a good sleeper and to make matters worse, she's been stuffed up the past two weeks and her sleep has gone way downhill. We used to be able to get one 4-5 hour stretch, then a few two-three hour stretches totaling around 10-11 hours a night. Sometimes I can coax her back down for an extra hour or two if I lay next to her and feed often. She's never slept longer than 6 hours (two fluke stretches).

Since she's been stuffed up it's like we're back to the newborn phase and she's going for 2 hour stretches almost exclusively at night. She's feeling better the past few days but the sleep seems to be getting worse. She must be overtired because she's getting less than 11 hours at night (including wake ups, but she's a fast eater and only takes one side at night). She's a happy baby during the day so she hides her tiredness well (me, not so much...). Naps are still only 40 minutes (she has 4-6 a day - gah!), but I've come to terms with her being a catnapper and it really doesn't bother me anymore.

Maybe it's a super early 4 mo. sleep regression, but she's never had "good" sleep to begin with. I'm just tired and frustrated and want to see if anyone else dealt with something similar and when they saw a light at the end of the sleepy tunnel! When did your poor sleeper get better in general at night, and how long does it take to get back on schedule after a sickness? Do they eventually pop back up to their old sleep pattern or is it a slow and gradual process of working back up to longer stretches?