My sister and I don't get along - never have, no matter how hard I try. She makes *everything* a competition and wants the attention on her. I'm 29 and she's 31 now and we still can't seem to get along.

To give you an example of how she is... she's an ultrasound tech - cool when you're pregnant, right? Well, it would be if she didn't make the ultrasounds about herself. When she did my first ultrasound, she showed the pictures to my grandmother and said "see what I did for Katie?" (not, "Hey, look at your great grandchild"). Another time, when my mom was there, my mom was amazed at how much the ultrasounds have improved since we were babies and said "wow, that's amazing!"... my sister's response "Thank you".

She also has a problem with sharing family. For instance, she won't ever let me know when she and my BIL have my neice over because she wants to have all that time for herself. She does the same thing with my parents.... as soon as she hears that I spent time with them, she flips out.

And today, my brother and SIL flew in for the first time in 2 years. They'll be here through the end of the year, but the only opportunity I have to see them will be on the weekends... which the only weekends we have left are xmas and new years. So, since I live so close to the airport, I asked her to see if she could swing by once she picked them up so we could all go to dinner or something. She said she would call or text when they decided what they were doing.

So... 1.5 hours goes by and I haven't heard anything so I text her. Come to find out, they have already driven over to my parents house and are eating with them... no invite for us, no head ups... nothing. Because she wants my brother and my parents all to herself.

Best part is... tomorrow she's hosting my shower with my mom and I have to hold back from choking her.

Ok, sorry for the novel, just had to get it out. I don't even think I explained why I'm upset very well, so bear with me.