Hellobee Boards


S/O Needle Phobia - Please Explain

  1. Boots McGee

    pea / 19 posts

    If you have a good anesthesiologist and are able to hold still during insertion, you will feel next to nothing when the epidural is inserted. And at that point, you will be so grateful that the anesthesiologist is in your room that you will allow yourself to be dipped in glue and rolled in feathers just to get that epi. The needle will be the very least of your concerns.

    That said, I'm someone who doesn't mind needles, blood, etc. etc., but the idea of the epidural does wig me out a little bit. Like another poster said, it's the idea of where that needle is going. But wow, is it ever worth it.

  2. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @sorrycharlie: I agree, the tape being pulled off was the worst part! I had a different anesthesiologist come in to remove it and even she commented that there was way too much tape on my back


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