DH and are taking a long weekend with most of his family in the White Mountains in NH next weekend, and we decided last night to leave a day early and spent a night in Lake Placid, NY, near where we honeymooned (and also where the 1980 Winter Olympics were held). We decided to splurge and got a lakeside room in a resort that has an indoor heated pool and hot tub. I'm so exited...last night I bought one of those little baby floatie tubes that E can sit in and a swim diaper--it'll be his first time in a pool!

Check it out! That's Mirror Lake in front there, which we have the option to dogsled around on! We're also going to see if we can drive up to the top of Whiteface Mountain to eat at a restaurant--if it were just the two of us we'd probably take a lift up, but I don't think I want to subject E to the cold for that long.

I can't wait!