Age gap between #1 and #2?
Would you do it that age again?
Age gap between #1 and #2?
Would you do it that age again?
pomegranate / 3759 posts
19 months. So far so good! We will probably have a bigger gap if we have another one. Only because I want some time to not be pregnant!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@coopsmama: R is 12.5 months this week, and I can't even imagine having another yet. Prayers for you!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: When are y'all thinking? We've talked about end of the summer maybe. Maybe we'll be preggers again together
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: DH said last night 6-12 months before he wants to start trying. I said 6 months, so I am sure we will just start in late Aug/early Sept but not use OPK's right away. With his traveling I am sure it will take us longer. Although R was the 3rd cycle. I am not waiting a year, cause that puts me at 37 min before I birth and I would like it to sooner then later if we can help it.
pomelo / 5720 posts
They will be 26 months apart. I think it will be difficult but I'm glad they will be close in age and I will (probably) be done with being pregnant!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@bushelandapeck: i''m 26 months apart from my sister and I think it's a great gap. My mom agreed as well.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
At this point, #1 will be at least 30 months apart from #2, even if I get pregnant this cycle. I wish I could have had them 2 years apart but the whole living in a remote area and possibly being on bed rest again deterred us until now.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
26 months apart.
It was a little challenging in the beginning because DD wasn't quite as independent as I would've liked, and she still needed a lot of attention from me… but after the initial adjustment period it has been pretty great. I know it's a crapshoot, but my kids get along really well and show a lot of affection towards each other.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
8.5 months and no if I ha to choose I would not put them as close together but it's pretty fun watching all three boys be so close.
grapefruit / 4823 posts
15 months. Most days we think it's a great space, other days, not so much!
pomegranate / 3983 posts
20 months- I love it! At 1 and almost 3 they already play a lot together.
eggplant / 11287 posts
19 months. It's good, but hard. I think working full time and going back to work at 5 weeks PP made the transition a bit harder. But W is a great older sibling and totally dotes on her baby sis. It's a lot of fun (and chaos).
coconut / 8681 posts
13.5 months. We plan on trying to do a gap that small between #3 and #4, We love it so far!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
19 months and holy crap is it, so hard. It may be situational more than anything though as DH works ridiculously long hours (not by choice), we live in an extremely remote area with no family or close friends nearby, and we've been preparing for our international move that commences in three weeks when our newborn will be 8 weeks old. Chaos does not even begin to describe my life right now.
In hindsight, I'd probably be ok with this age gap if DH were around more often and could help share more of the parenting responsibility, and if we weren't trying to move countries right now.
There are lots of positives to the age gap but it's definitely not easy!
watermelon / 14206 posts
6 years. I don't imagine it will be too difficult. But, sometimes I do wish ds had someone more his age around.
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Almost 21 months. It was rough in the beginning, but we love it.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@Silva: my son was a bit jealous and clingy the first two weeks, but after that, he was fine. I was really surprised because he is such a mama's boy. But he loves the baby and is very gentle with her. If I leave them alone for a few minutes, I don't have to worry about him hitting her or trying to pick her up or doing anything he isn't supposed to do.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
There are 23 months between DD and DS#1, which is awesome and 22 months between DS#1 and DS #2, which has been great too. I like it because they are to young to remember a time without the baby, but a little more self sufficient (like they can feed themselves, sleep a little better etc). And I've never had a jealousy issue, which was something I was worried about!
nectarine / 2163 posts
@Smurfette: 16.5 months, and we're loving it so far. only 3 months in though but at this point I would definitely do it again!
nectarine / 2163 posts
@Ree723: omg, I can't imagine moving internationally with a toddler and a newborn. so, so much kudos to you!!
pomelo / 5678 posts
@lamariniere: I think 3 years would be just right. they sound so cute together.
persimmon / 1081 posts
3 years and loving it. I don't think I could have handled having them much closer together.
pear / 1837 posts
@winniebee: Mine are 30 months apart, and while the little one is only 5.5 months old (so things will certainly change), I actually really love it and wouldn't want them any closer- I think 30-36 months would be my ideal child spacing.
I LOVE the fact that Older Child is so independent and able to hang out around the house with minimal supervision if needed, and is also able to be helpful. For example, this morning getting ready for work, I needed to shower and both kids were awake. I put Younger Child on a playmat on the floor in my room and asked Older to hang out with him while I showered. I showered in the attached bathroom while Older sang songs to Younger, and when Younger started getting fussy, Older retrieved his pacifier from his crib down the hall and put it in his mouth. Younger loves watching Older, and Older loves the attention.
If my kids were only 2 years apart, I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the 2 year old alone (the way I leave my now-almost-3-year-old alone if he wants to play in a different room with no qualms), and I wouldn't feel ok with leaving the 2 year old "alone" with the baby (the way I do when I shower 5 feet away, or need to run upstairs for a few minutes while the kids are downstairs). I know it might not be what you'd have wanted, but I promise there are lots of perks to having a slightly larger age gap!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@mrsmate: @Greentea: @lamariniere: I have a co-worker who had his kids 3 years apart on purpose since he loved his relationship with his sister, they were 3 years apart. So far they are doing great and love the 3 year gap.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
We're shooting for the 2.5-3 year age gap. Looks like it's the common gap that most ppl like and would do again!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
19m and definitely some life hating moments, especially since circumstances have changed since having #2, but despite how hard it is at times, I'm still happy with the gap and really believe it's hard at any age gap, just different hard!
cantaloupe / 6751 posts
We were hoping for a 2.5 year age gap, but it's taking longer to get pregnant w/#2 than we thought :T We are TTC right now and if I get pregnant this cycle, they'll be 3 years, 1 month apart. Really hoping that it will be less than 3.5 years.
pomegranate / 3565 posts
20 months - I'm only 7 weeks in, but I think it's hard, particularly in the evening. However, my DH works a shift schedule so he can help equally in the evening. Even though, I'm happy with the gap because I'll like it when they are older.
apricot / 429 posts
My two will be almost exactly two years apart once the little guy arrives in November (his due date is a week after my daughter turns 2), so we will see how it goes! We have every intention of similar spacing for #3.
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