My husband only slept in our bedroom with our daughter and I for the first week after she was born. She's 5 months now, and he has never once helped me at night. His thought is that there's nothing he can do because I breastfeed. But, a little emotional support would be nice. When I bring it up, he says to come get him at night if I need him. I don't want to have to do that. I want him to take the initiative. And, when I need a break just to go out shopping or whatever, he always says to hurry back. So, I never get a real break. He's sick right now, so I don't expect anything, but in general, it's been hard on me. I feel like he has all the free time he wants. He recently took a trip with his dad and brother to watch baseball. He goes to movies with friends. I don't complain. But, I don't ever get to do anything without the baby, unless it's work.

He was my best friend before we had her. We did everything together. Now I just feel like we're losing each other a little more each day. I'm resenting him. It feels so horrible.