So DH threw me for a bit of a loop last night. I had discretely researched a couple of day cares yesterday at work and told him the prices (they weren't really a surprise; $1280 for full time dc around the corner from our house, $800 for 3 days a week at one on the way to work). The plan had been for my husband to watch the baby the other two days, since my paycheck pays the big bills. DH told me last night that he thinks it would make sense for him to quit and become a full time stay at home dad...and I can't say I disagree! Though I feel kinda guilty, since I started the baby thing. He told me its not fair for me to think that way, since he had a hand in the baby making process too. I'm also secretly jealous, since I would love to be a SAHM, but it's just not in the cards ;).

Is anyone else's DH a SAHD? Has it presented any challenges?