Hi! I think I've officially become a "stroller-holic" if there's such a word! DS is now 9 months old. We had a G+G 051 stroller that we got before he was born. Overall, the stroller is ok; but does not do very well on snow & is bumpy on uneven sidewalks. I chose this at that time due to it being lightweight & DH being exasperated that I cannot make up my mind... & now I have buyer's remorse about this. the 2 strollers that I really liked at that time was the bugaboo cameleon & the uppababy cruz.

Fast forward to today. DS no longer needs a bassinet. I decided to sell my stroller & am thinking which one to get. A brand new bugaboo is off the list since DS probably won't use it for long. We are also not planning to have another baby so the cost will not justify this purchase. I did see a few 2nd hand frogs & 1st gen cameleon on craigslist with reasonable asking prices - less than $400. There are some selling barely used 2nd hand uppababy cruz for $350 as well. I also want an umbrella stroller for traveling & decided to get the uppababy g-luxe. I've looked at 2nd hand 2011 g luxe but am not really sold on it. I think I'm leaning towards the 2013 brand new one since we will probably have more use out of this now that DS is getting bigger.

So, my question is this. Can we survive with the g-luxe as a main stroller for all seasons? Can it handle snow & such? If not, which is a good buy to go with the g-luxe? The 2nd hand frog, cameleon or uppababy cruz?....is it even possible to only have 1 stroller? If so, which is my best bet?

Please share your thoughts & experiences. I'm really confused but hate my stroller everyday & would like to make the right decision this time around.

Thanks in advance!