Since Baby E was a few weeks old she has been taking a 7:30 pm "nap" with us on the couch and we would just wake her and take her upstairs whenever we ended up going to bed. I finally realized that this must actually be her true bedtime, since she never wakes on her own and gets pissed when we wake her to go up to the nursery. After eating she falls dead asleep again for at least 4 hours.

The last few nights we've been trying to put her down to sleep in her crib at 7:30, and she will not have it! I follow the same routine I do when we put her to bed at 9, but she fights sleep like crazy. She cries, kicks, fights her swaddle, refuses pacifier, etc. until we give up and just bring her downstairs with us. By the time we are able to soothe her to sleep, it is almost 9 anyway.... I don't get it, she goes down drowsy but awake for naps no problem.

I guess my question is - what is a normal bedtime for a 3 month old? I just don't know whether we should continue trying to put her down at 7:30 when she's obviously tired or keep doing this weird evening nap thing? Did we create a monster by letting her fall asleep on us for 3 months?