Hoping someone has some insight...
My DS has never been what you might call a "good sleeper"...however for the last few months, he has had a very consistent bedtime ~7:30, after about 5 hours awake, a predictable nighttime routine and nursing to relax but not usually to fall sleep.
For the last couple of weeks, he has been pushing back his bedtime to closer to 8:15 and in the interest of not having a full hour of wind-down time every evening (where previously he was going to sleep after 10-15minutes), I have moved back dinner and bath a bit to facilitate this. Now, 2 of the last 3 nights he has been staying up until 8:45 or a little later (6-ish hours awake) and appearing WIRED after his typical bath, jammies, books, and lullaby/nursing/cuddling routine. The first of these was after a particularly long nap closer to 2.5 hours at "school"... And last night it occurred after a very busy day with a party (and a big cookie!) in the afternoon.
Overall, he is in the middle of a developmental leap with speech...more drooly, so maybe working on 2-year molars...and otherwise healthy, though with a little snot, which hasn't changed in the last few weeks.
Is this a thing? Should I be moving his bedtime back? Up? He tends to be an early riser AND a fairly light sleeper, so I'm hesitant to do much different if this is just a(nother) sleep regression.