LO is a little over 11 months and since we sleep trained her at 5.5 months, has never woken up more than once a night. Lately her wakeup time for the day has varied and last night she woke up three times crying until I came in. Each time I just had to pick her up for a minute and lay her back down and she was out again.

I'm not sure why she's doing this and also how I should be reacting. Should I be giving her more time to fall asleep on her own? I'm worried she's doing it more because she likes it when I come to hug her for a minute (major separation anxiety lately).

She's also been taking steps and has gotten fairly good but not consistently good yet. So maybe that's it? And she's 50 weeks old today which supposedly is the start of the 55th wonder week period.

Also, should I be laying her back down one more time in the morning until she sleeps until at least where she was getting to before? She put herself on a one nap schedule at 10.5 months and resists when I try to give her two but is tired from waking up so early and so often at night.

Any ideas on why this is happening and advice on what I should be doing?