Does anyone else worry about what you're going to do for breaks during the school year? If you work full time and your spouse works full time and you can't adjust your schedule to stay home with your kids when school is out of session, what are you going to do?
There are camps, obviously to accommodate the working parents. Most of the camps I have found mix all ages - so 6 year olds will be with kids up to age 12. I have found two summer camps in the area that sort kids by age (5-7, 8-12). Just two!
Two of my friends told me a story about how they sent their kids together to a camp one summer (they are both SAHMs). The kids were going into 1st grade and are a boy and a girl. The older kids taunted them through the whole week saying they were boyfriend and girlfriend. The parents kept the kids home the rest of the summer. They were 6 years old! It makes me dread summer camps.
What are you going to do for summer camps if you both work full time? Do you worry about your 5 or 6 year old being in a camp with 12 year olds?