Ok, I think we are at the point where LO is ready to transition to 1 nap (and by ready I mean the past 3 days he has screamed bloody murder for every nap and at bedtime and in the MOTN).

SO. Questions:
1. Do I gradually move back his first nap and keep a 2nd nap? Or do I gradually move back his first nap and have that be his only nap?
2. What do I do if he wakes up really early--like 5:30? That was the situation today, and by 9:30 he was very tired. He screamed pre nap but then fell asleep...do I wake him in a bit? Or just hope he sleeps like 2 hours (unlikely).

Also, any SAHMs, would LOVE to hear your daily routine if your LO is on 1 nap. I feel like it's impossible for me to get myself together/wake up while LO is awake--I usually do that while he is taking his first nap. How does your day go now that you are on 1 nap? How do you get ready/shower/collect yourself??