My sweet little girl (13 months) has started with mini tantrums. And by mini, I mean they last seconds but are frequent. She still has a very limited vocabulary which is not a concern of mine but I am not sure what I can do to minimize these fits. It can happen when changing a diaper to not being able to reach a toy in her basket. Both my husband and I have turned to redirection and helping her express her needs by "talking" her through her want. We say thing like: "Do you want your cup?", "I will help you but use your words" (clearly she can't but it's our hope that repetition will help) and simply telling her that her yelling hurts our ears and that we use a "nice" voice. Everything seems to fall short of our hopeful outcome and she will turn her head and scream more or simply not cooperate. Redirection works best. Any suggestions? Encouragement? We do some basic sign language but if she's mad enough, that goes out the window. While we both believe in other forms discipline (time out or taking privileges away) we don't feel that there's much we can do at this point due to her age. My mom(who raised 11 of us) says this is normal. Please tell me she's right!!! Thanks all!